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Once again our Studio Ceiling soundproofing system has been used for a flat in London to help reduce noise from neighbours above. Prior to installation, noise from above could clearly be heard because the flat was constructed prior to the current Building Regulations for the control of noise through floors and ceilings so the Studio Ceiling system as described on our domestic web site www.keepitquiet.co.uk was the preferred solution to address the noise from above issue. The existing ceiling was simply plasterboard so it was easy to take down. If it had been a lathe and plaster ceiling it is always better to leave it in place because it provides better sound insulation than plasterboard. With lathe and plaster ceilings all that needs to be done is to install our Thin Ceiling Soundproofing System and more information on this can also be found on our web site. Now back to the Studio Ceiling System. To install this the existing plasterboard ceiling has to be removed then our Resilient Bar decoupling system can be screwed across the joists at 400mm centres across the room. 100mm of AMW100 Acoustic Mineral Wool is now cut to be a loose fit between the joists and inserted above the resilient bars that will hold it in place. It is important the AMW is not fitted tightly because this stiffens the structure making it acoustically less efficient. Once the AMW100 is in place 15mm Acoustic Plasterboard is screwed to the bars. It is important that the screws do not come into contact with the joists so to avoid this, mark with pencil the position of the joists and bars on the walls then you can see the correct positioning of where the screws have to go which is between the joists, not on top of them. Once the first layer has been fixed the second layer can be screwed up but this time with our 1mm SoundBlocker Membrane sound barrier mat sandwiched between the two. Because it is next to impossible to glue this directly to the ceiling because it is too floppy, cut it to size and glue it to the second layer of plasterboard before screwing it up as one. Both layers of Acoustic Plasterboard should be fitted with about a 1mm gap between the edge of the plasterboard and the wall. This gap should be filled with our high density Acoustic Sealant prior to finishing and decorating. More information including installation instructions can be found on our domestic web site www.keepitquiet.co.uk.
When lathe and plaster ceilings start to become unstable, they will shed pieces of plaster and the worrying thing is they could land on someone’s head causing injury so when this begins to happen, what is the answer? No it is not to wear a hard hat or replace the ceiling with plasterboard. Agreed plasterboard is a stable product and once up can be forgotten unless there is a flood above but plasterboard, even high density acoustic plasterboard, is not as acoustically efficient as lathe and plaster. So if you wish to reduce noise nuisance from above or if you want to avoid the dust and mess that removal of lathe and plaster ceilings entail, read on. Lathe and plaster ceilings and stud walls are usually constructed with thin timber lathes nailed to the underside of ceiling joists or frame of stud walls then rendered with a dense plaster that is skim coated and decorated to suit. This system creates a dense layer that is far more efficient at blocking noise than plasterboard even if a double thickness is installed and decoupled with resilient bars. What do we do instead I hear you ask? Well if the ceiling has started to shed plaster the first thing to do is effect a repair. If the ceiling is still sound then in both cases carry out the following which is simple, cheap and not nearly as messy. Screw a layer of 15mm Acoustic Plasterboard over the top of the existing ceiling/wall ensuring the screws fix into the joists or stud frame. Alternatively, if preferred, use a fireline board instead. Fireline boards are usually very dense as well and have the added advantage of being more fire resistant that plasterboard so if budget allows, use fireline board then skim and finish. If extra soundproofing is required, sandwich our SoundBlocker Membrane between the existing ceiling and the new board or if it is a wall, use our SBM5 soundproofing mat instead. For more information on soundproofing a ceiling or a wall.
When upgrading the soundproofing of a timber joisted ceiling, it is always best to decouple the new ceiling using Resilient Bars which are a flexible link between the plasterboard and the underside of the joists. When an upgraded soundproofed ceiling is installed in this way it decouples the mass of the plasterboard from the joists which substantially reduces noise transfer. When fitting the bars it is also advisable to insert between the joists and sitting on top of the bars, 100mm of our AMW100 Acoustic Mineral Wool. This will enhance the soundproofing of the ceiling and make the efficiency of the Resilient Bars that bit better. When the bars and AMW have been fitted, screw a double thickness of 15mm high density Acoustic Plasterboard to the bars to complete the job. For more information on our Resilient Bar system along with our other soundproofing materials, go to our domestic web site www.keepitquiet.co.uk
When upgrading the soundproofing of a wall or soundproofing a ceiling, you will almost certainly require plasterboard and the best plasterboard to use is high density Acoustic Plasterboard. This is because it has a higher mass then normal plasterboard and double thickness of this is required on ceilings and stud partitions alike. A double thickness is also required in our Thin Wall Soundproofing system that replaces the thicker stud partitions. For more information on these products, go to www.keepitquiet.co.uk